all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 9PN 0 53.042434 -1.383936
DE5 9PP 0 53.046668 -1.38043
DE5 9PW 0 53.043028 -1.384002
DE5 9QA 8 53.042111 -1.375212
DE5 9QB 7 53.043345 -1.375657
DE5 9QD 1 53.043151 -1.376572
DE5 9QF 3 53.042499 -1.377205
DE5 9QG 0 53.042849 -1.380738
DE5 9QH 0 53.043473 -1.381341
DE5 9QJ 0 53.043679 -1.381233
DE5 9QL 0 53.044703 -1.381189
DE5 9QN 0 53.044627 -1.38031
DE5 9QP 0 53.044851 -1.378502
DE5 9QQ 0 53.044301 -1.378182
DE5 9QR 0 53.043858 -1.377636
DE5 9QS 1 53.045435 -1.376599
DE5 9QT 4 53.04518 -1.375991
DE5 9QU 0 53.046957 -1.378874
DE5 9QW 0 53.047478 -1.378685
DE5 9QX 0 53.050915 -1.368984